SBP Candidate Personal Statement: Alex Carty

February 8, 2023
Hi friends! My name is Alex Carty and I am hoping to be one of the Student Body Presidents for the 2023-2024 school year! I have attended Westtown for all of my high school years and have played on the varsity soccer team, ran track, wrestled, and managed for the boys varsity basketball team here at Westtown. I work as a kitchen staff member on multiple days throughout the week and I am also an ambassador and a prefect on E3. SBP has been a position of interest to me since my sophomore year. I was able to develop an understanding of what they can bring to the community and how they can create a tie between faculty/staff and students. I view an SBP as being approachable and I think that’s very important for the community that Westtown has. Being approachable allows for a space where students can feel comfortable talking to the SBP about the announcements or maybe with an issue they have been experiencing. Another thing that is important for an SBP is being able to make the tough decisions or give the tough announcements. It may not be the best thing in the world, although it’s something that has to be done and I believe that hearing it from a student can help.
I am applying for the SBP position because I want to be in a position where I can help the whole upper school. I want to be able to advocate changes that the general student body wants while also keeping the faculty/staff/teachers in mind. Working hand in hand with the staff is something that I would like to continue doing as I have as a student and a prefect and is something that I have found to come easy to me. I stand for a Westtown where people can feel that they aren’t trapped at school and aren’t being forced to stay here. I would like to open my position as SBP by working on a schedule that fits well for both staff and students, and helping find a schedule for athletes as well. I think that Westtown is exploring a lot of options as of recent and I want to help and finalize those ideas. I strive to work for a place where students and faculty can feel like a family and always support each other since they first enter Westtown until they graduate. I feel qualified to be an SBP because of my approachable personality, work ethic towards things I feel passionate about, and my willingness to help others. The Student Leader position that I have now is a prefect on E3 and my position as an ambassador for the school. I have participated in events like the Benefactor tea, Zoom calls with prospective students, and tours for prospective students. Being an SBP would be one of the biggest things I would love to do for this school. It would be an amazing opportunity given to me. If I get elected to be your SBP next year it would be my honor and thank you for reading my personal statement.