SBP Candidate Personal Statement: Abena Onyinah

February 8, 2023
The role of Student Body President is an important position because it bridges any possible divide between faculty and students. Having a smooth school year every year heavily depends on how much understanding there is between the student body and the faculty her at Westtown. While we have overall community and togetherness, that isn’t always the case, which is why the SBP position is so important. Having someone who can convey student and faculty ideas alike to both sides is what will allow for deeper togetherness and communication school wide. This position is also important because it gives students a voice in important decisions that may happen throughout the school yeat.I would like to hold this position because I believe that I can be the perfect bridge between the student body and the faculty. I am a friendly person who is moderately known around campus, especially for my ability to socialize with different crowds of people. I believe that I am someone who can encourage understanding amongst students and faculty because of my sociable personality. With my sociable personality, I can make sure that student voices are heard and that there is mutual understanding between faculty and the student body. I also believe that team work goes into this, especially because there are three SBP’s, and I excel at listening to the ideas of others and meshing them together with mine to create a harmonious outcome. I am always willing to listen to the ideas of others and come to a consensus that benefits all. I currently hold two leadership positions, one as a prefect on W3 dorm and another as one of the BWAG heads for the 2022-23 school year. On a day to day basis of holding both of these positions, I work to foster community between dorm members and amongst the black woman here at Westtown. I’ve also had experience as a mentor for the annual BIPOC summer camp, so I’m accustomed to holding leadership positions. Thank you!