“Disciplined, diligent, and generous.” That is how Teacher Karen Gallagher described Teacher Jay Farrow ’75 in brief.
It is bitter sweet to note that Teacher Jay is retiring from Westtown School at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Teacher Jay is an incredibly important figure in the Westtown community and has contributed so much. A Westtown alum, Teacher Jay is a member of the class of 1975. He returned as a faculty member just six years later in 1981. He has done amazing things during his considerable time at the school. Teacher Jay has been a teacher, served as the head wrestling coach for many years, led Westtown’s BIPOC camp, founded the school’s Full Access program and has served as the Dean of Access and Equity.
Teacher Jay has been an influential figure at Westtown for the past 43 years. With retirement plans made official, after the class of 2024 graduates, we spoke to Teacher Jay as well as some of his colleagues and students to honor his contributions to the school
“It’s about time,” Teacher Jay commented.

Teacher Michael Williams ’09, was a student of Teacher Jay and wrestled for Westtown under Teacher Jay’s coaching. This year, Teacher Michael coached alongside Teacher Jay during Teacher Jay’s final season with the Westtown wrestling program. Teacher Michael’s first impression of Teacher Jay was that Teacher Jay was very direct and a great person to go to if you were ever in a conflict. Teacher Michael noted how Teacher Jay shaped his Westtown experience by helping him decide what he wanted to do in college, and guiding him to new experiences through Westtown. One of Teacher Michaels favorite memories of Teacher Jay, was that during wrestling season, Teacher Jay would allow some students to stay at his house for early tournaments that overlapped with holiday breaks.
“That was something really new to me,” Teacher Michael said. He also noted, the best advice Teacher Jay ever gave him was, “Good things always happen to people who work hard, I’ve been lucky enough for things to turn out the way they are.”
“He’s totally impacted my experience at Westtown by being a great influence to me and a great leader and coach,” said Evan Holgate ’26.
Holgate is a member of Westtown’s wrestling team who met Teacher Jay while he was a middle schooler. Holgate quickly became close with Teacher Jay. Holgate’s first impression of Teacher Jay was regarding his “nice and genuine presence.” He also commented on what a great leader Teacher Jay is and always will be to him. Holgate recounted memorable words of wisdom from Teacher Jay when he quoted him saying,“Life is life.”

Head of School, Teacher Chris Benbow ’90. was also interviewed. The two met when Teacher Chris was in the sixth grade and Teacher Jay served as Teacher Chris’s math teacher. They were reunited in Teacher Chris’s eighth grade year when Teacher Jay served as Teacher Chris’s advisor. Teacher Jay’s example of committing himself to work on what he loves is one of many things Teacher Chris said he has learned from Teacher Jay.
“His care for young people and just his commitment to his community is something I really look up to,” Teacher Chris said. Teacher Chris also mentioned Teacher Jay’s open willingness to step into whatever role the community has in store for him.

Our final interview came from Westtown’s Dean of Academics, Teacher Karen Gallagher. Teacher Karen has known Teacher Jay for 42 years, and they have been working side by side as administrators for quite some time now. Teacher Karen spoke about the many impacts Teacher Jay has had during his time at Westtown. Teacher Karen mentioned what a great example Teacher Jay is to whoever he works with, and how much faith he has in all of his students no matter what. She also said Teacher Jay has always shown his care for his students by taking the time out of his day to advocate for any student in need of help.
“I think he’s brought a commitment to support and serve all students and especially to support students through the full access fund,” Teacher Karen said.
Because of what Teacher Jay has done in the classroom, as an advisor, as a coach in the wrestling program, and for his work with Full Access program at Westtown, his actions will never be forgotten. All across Westtown, Teacher Jay Farrow is noted for his dedication to the school and for finding ways to make Westtown a better place for all.