As a long-time Westtown student of 12 years, I have come to know Westtown well and I am passionate about continuing the Westtown spirit of community for future grades. Being a day student for this long, including three years in the upper school, I have insight into issues that day students struggle with. Day students are a large part of our community, and I will bring their perspective to the role of Student Body President in addition to the boarding students perspectives, as I will be boarding next year. As a student leader, I understand the commitment required of the SBPs – the dedication to work, by organizing and planning meetings and events, making time to collaborate with other student leaders and faculty, and ensuring that the connection between students and SBP is open, in order to put their feedback into action.
As a Day Student Prefect, I have learned to work with other student leaders and faculty. Collaborating with them has honed my skills of listening to other students and prefect groups and crafting effective solutions. As an orientation leader, I connected with new students, and got them involved in Westtown’s community by giving advice, answering questions and helping them with the integration process. As a Model UN and Medical club head, I have practiced public speaking and organized events and meetings for a large group of students. Being a peer tutor has allowed me to connect with individual students and understand their issues and concerns and work with them to find solutions. Overall, collaboration, connection and leadership have become a large part of my life at Westtown and have helped prepare me for role of Student Body President.
- Day Student Prefect
- Orientation Leader
- Model UN Club Head
- Medical Club Head
- Peer Tutor (2 years)
- Opening the belfry for both boarders and day students that students could work at for an increasing rate each year
- Fundraise for club/class events and trips
- Organizing a formal dance every fall, winter and spring
- Create an environment where all students are heard